Western Acupuncture, also known as dry-needling, is a dedicated service that we provide to help you recover from injuries and discomfort while also improving your physical health and well-being. It uses very small acupuncture needles that are put into precise locations on your body.
Dry-needling is a therapy approach that involves the insertion of tiny needles and is founded on current knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology, and evidence-based medicine. It predominantly stimulates the neurological system, with known modes of action including local antidromic axon reflexes, segmental and extra-segmental neuromodulation, and other central nervous system effects. Western Acupuncture is often used by traditional healthcare practitioners to treat musculoskeletal pain, postoperative pain, and nausea, particularly in primary care.
The treatment involves use of pre-sterilised disposable needles should be used. You will sit or lie down depending on where the treatment takes place. Correctly performed, acupuncture is painless because needles are very fine about 0.2 mm wide. You may experience a slight tingling around the area, warmth or heaviness and nothing at all when needles are inserted.
You'll usually feel relaxed and refreshed after an acupuncture session, but the specific response varies from person to person. For example, some people have a surge of energy while others are tired. Sometimes the symptoms do get worse before improving. Your condition determines how many treatments you need. In most cases, within a few sessions the symptoms are reduced. Acupuncture is about restoring a healthy balance of energy in the body. The body can take care of itself as soon as the balance is restored and no further treatments are required.
Dry Needling target muscular tissue and nerve connections. It is used to treat a variety of ailments, including muscular pain, joint stiffness, and even nerve problems like sciatica or nerve impingement. Neck stress, headaches, back discomfort, tennis elbow, shoulder disorders, sciatica, muscle imbalances, joint misalignment, and other issues may be treated using this mode of therapy. Dry needling can also benefit those who desire to improve their overall health and well-being, as well as their job and athletic performance. It may be effective in multimodal care, which is when many treatments are utilised to treat a condition.
Physiotherapists may use needling therapies in conjunction with exercise instruction, hands-on therapy such as massage, mobilisations and manipulations, and taping procedures. They may also use external methods to treat your condition such as ultrasound, laser, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, and biofeedback.
Minor side effects include pain, bleeding, or bruising from needle placement, which are rather typical. However, serious adverse side effects like pneumothorax (collapsed lung), extensive bleeding, and protracted aggravation are quite rare.
It is advised that you wear loose, comfortable clothing to your appointment at our clinic.
You do not need to miss or discontinue any medications prior to the session, unless advised by a medical professional.
Before your dry-needling appointment, please avoid the following:
- Taking a long, hot bath or shower before your appointment
- Eating a heavy meal or being hungry
- Drinking too much caffeine
- Alcohol consumption
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